The Polish Government plans to adopt a new law that would impose additional taxes on small alcohol beverages containers below 300ml. According to the draft, the fee is PLN 25 per litre of 100% alcohol sold in packages of up to 300 ml. 50% of the funds will go to municipalities and 50% for education, prevention and psychiatric care and addiction treatment.
This proposal was notified to the European Commission on 5 February 2020 referenced 2020/0043 / PL for comment until 6 February 2020. The reason being that because it is a fiscal measure, the normal standstill period of 3 month does not apply. However, COM officials confirmed that they will consider all submissions received on the proposal.
As you know from the TRIS process, it would also be very helpful if Member States are also in a position to support our concerns on this surcharge. Source: Spirits Europe